In order to add real value to an organisation, HR has to show that we are not just an expense -“a necessary evil”. To do this effectively, we need proof, not anecdotal evidence or inferred cost savings, but instead, hard facts and numbers.Many HR departments find this difficult as they themselves are not in agreement as to what value they offer the organisation. In order to help HR do this there are two major questions that we need to answer:

  1. What is the most important thing that HR is there to do?
  2. What should we measure to see how well we are doing it?

The solution seems obvious, HR needs to learn to speak in quantitative, objective terms, using numbers to express their activity and the value it adds. This three day Training Course will explain how to do this and give you a framework for developing a set of HR measures and analytics to help show the real value of HR to your business. HR professionals will learn how to drive organisational change around human capital activities by linking evidence based data to business strategy and performance, as well as learn to apply HR analytics to a broad spectrum of human capital activities. From facilitating outcome-based conversations, to interpreting and benchmarking organisational results, this course provides HR professionals with hands-on expertise that will help to acquire the confidence needed to build consensus and acceptance around human capital measures that support operational goals.

Get your pass!
Mövenpick Hotel - West Bay
Doha, Qatar
28 - 30 April