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Day One
09.00 Registration and Coffee
09.30 Start of Training
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break
15.00 - 15.15 Coffee Break
16.30 End of Day 1
Day Two
09.30 Start of Training
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break
15.00 - 15.15 Coffee Break
16.30 End of Day 2
Day Three
09.30 Start of Training
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break
15.00 - 15.15 Coffee Break
16.30 End of Day 3
  • Module 1

    Objective: Understand the nature of the problem faces HR today and determine how to increase the value of the data and analytics HR can currently provide

    • What is analytics?
    • How does it differs from normal measures?
    • The value ladder: How do we add more value to HR metrics?
      • Process
      • Scanning
      • Planning
      • Predicting
    • What measures can you use as you move up the ladder to add more value to the business?

    Metrics and tools for HR design

    • Process mapping
      • Operational controls and mechanisms
      • Inputs and outputs
    • Assessment criteria
    • Detailed structures
    • Enablers, options and alternatives
    • Work groups

    Group Exercise: A review of your current measures and where they fit in the value ladder

  • Module 2

    Objective: Going back to basics and determining the important role of HR and what value HR is trying to add to the business; then assessing how well positioned HR is at the moment to provide meaningful data and information

    • Focusing on purpose
    • Assessment of current position
    • Preparing for an analytics department

    The challenge of measurement

    • How does HR measure success?
    • The historical problem
    • The evolution of HR measurement
    • Transaction to HRM to business metrics to predictive measures

    Analytics and application of HR Metrics to intangible assets to fuel business performance

    • Establishing a strategy vs. implementing it
    • Linking budget to strategy
  • Module 3

    Objective: To ensure that everything in in place to give HR the best possible chance of success and to learn from the mistakes and experiences of others that are more developed in these areas than us

    • How to deal with the C Level
    • How to research effective
    • Making an impactly

    New measurement frameworks

    • How can we tell if we are doing well?
    • Introduction of hucametrics
    • Competence
    • Engagement
    • Organisation

    Group Exercise: The development of an initial action plan to kick off your programme

  • Module 4

    Objective: To ensure that HR know what data they currently have and where the gaps that need to be filled

    • Learn to begin with the end in mind
    • Who owns the data and will they share it?
    • Is the data quality sufficient?

    Tracking HR data

    • Cost implications
    • Selection tools
    • Identifying which measures will support business objectives
    • Ratios and ratings: Ensuring you choose the ‘value-add’ options
    • Reliance on numbers: Extracting the right and most relevant information

    Turning data into business intelligence

    • Typical KPI’s
    • Which ones really add value?
    • Understanding cause and effect
    • Measuring the important as opposed to the easy to track
    • Understanding the performance review
    • The dialogue, the data, and the direction

    Exercise: A thorough review of current data strengths and areas of weakness

    • Cross-company communication links
    • Human and financial resource barriers
    • Effective and transparent links with management and objectives

    Group Discussion: How well positioned are we to move towards analytics and what potential problems/obstacles do we anticipate?

  • Module 5

    Objective: Making sure HR have developed a set of measures that can help make meaningful predictions and provide information to allow forecasting

    • Determining the important predictive measures
    • Assessing relationships and causal models
    • Interpreting the results

    Utilizing HR metrics to aid business decisions

    • Building an evidence base
    • Involvement, instructions and output
    • Assessing the direction and extent of change; gap analysis

    Group Discussion: A review of all aspects of predictive measures and an assessment of their success through reviewing major case studies and examples

  • Module 6

    Objective: To assess where things will progress from here and build plans and tools that will feed into the next generation of HR Metrics requirements

    • What does the future look like?
    • Bringing it all together
    • Predicative analytics for HR in action

    Change management

    • Understanding change; endings, transitions, beginnings
    • Different types of change; rate of change, and scope of change
    • A seven part process for managing change
    • How to deal with resistance
    • Workforce segmentation; minimising the impact of change

    Group Exercise: Review of key case studies and leading industry experts to determine what the next 5-10 years will hold for HR measures

  • Extra

    What exactly is leadership?

    • How does it differ from management?
    • What are the main skills and qualities required?
    • Some popular models; are they still relevant for today’s business world?
    • Leading in times of change: the 21st century

    Vision, values and behaviours

    • Setting the visions and tone
    • Understanding how company cultures form
    • Developing a culture

    Employee engagement

    • Understanding engagement
    • What are the major drivers?
    • What destroys employee engagement?
    • The employee value proposition
    • Pay and compensation models
    • The Total Rewards model
  • Close
    • What can we take from the three days?
    • What are we going to do differently when we get back?
    • Personal planning sessions
  • Exam

    Following the training course, at the end of Day 3, participants will be given their assessment, which will be completed under the supervision of the trainer. Participants who pass the assessment will receive a Certified Professional Development Certificate from CPD Standards

Get your pass!
Mövenpick Hotel - West Bay
Doha, Qatar
28 - 30 April